Risk Management

Develop, implement and maintain

A comprehensive risk management program assesses every aspect of your institution. It requires thorough knowledge of your regulatory environment, business processes, control structure, and a forward-looking mindset to spot potential threats. With an intense focus on your industry and a proactive, collaborative mentality, HORNE is equipped to help you develop, implement and maintain a strong, effective risk management program that will grow with you.

Risk Management

At HORNE, we don’t just check the box on risk management. We assess the design of processes and controls and offer solutions for addressing the root cause of exceptions. 

Taking a holistic, risk-focused approach to your entire enterprise, HORNE strengthens your risk management so you can operate efficiently, enjoy peace of mind and realize a sustainable capacity for growth.

We bring extensive experience in areas such as:

  • Enterprise risk management implementation
  • Internal audit outsourcing and co-sourcing
  • Independent credit review
  • Internal audit, IT, compliance, enterprise wide and fraud risk assessments
  • Interest rate risk review
  • Loan portfolio management
  • Regulatory compliance reviews

Manage risk across your institution – including information technology – with a risk-based plan tailored to your specific needs.


You’ve worked hard to build trust. Data breaches are a proven threat to customer and member loyalty — and to your reputation. You need a comprehensive IT security program that includes ongoing monitoring and risk assessments.

We collaborate with in-house cybersecurity specialists to help you identify and remediate vulnerabilities that could create business or compliance risk. Our comprehensive cybersecurity oversight methodology improves cybersecurity posture and helps you to comply with FFIEC and GLBA requirements.

Our cybersecurity team works hand in hand with our CPAs, who offer unparalleled knowledge of financial institutions and their inner workings. This powerful combination enables us to guide you through the risk management process to protect you and your members from the threats of cyber criminals.

  • Strategic IT planning
  • FFIEC IT audits
  • Information system conversion consulting
  • Vendor management assessment and advisory
  • Cybersecurity program development and implementation
  • Vulnerability assessments, network and web application penetration testing, and social engineering exercises
  • Incident response, disaster recovery and business continuity planning

Fraud Protection

We know that there is not a silver bullet for completely mitigating the risk of fraud at your institution; however, there are controls and safeguards that you can put into place to reduce the likelihood or impact of fraud.

We help ensure you have the controls in place to reduce your exposure and minimize the opportunity for fraud, while enhancing and improving your business processes along the way.

Loan Review Services

HORNE’s Financial Institutions team can assess the design and effectiveness of your lending and credit risk management policies and processes for lending activities at the borrower and portfolio levels.

Our data analytics team can help you better understand the risk profile of your portfolio by performing a traditional loan review, as well as credit process assessments.

Traditional loan review:

  • Determine if risk ratings assigned to loans based on your risk rating scale are reasonable
  • Confirm adherence to policies, standards and procedures
  • Determine the root cause of process weaknesses and offer solutions
  • Share leading industry practices

Credit process assessments

Our assessments consider the current size, risk profile and growth plans for the portfolio, as well as common and leading industry practices and regulations.

We assess the design and effectiveness of credit risk management at the borrower and/or portfolio levels for these processes:

  • Governance by management and board of directors
  • Credit risk identification
  • Exceptions to policy, procedures and underwriting standards
  • Aggregate exception tracking and reporting
  • Portfolio segmentation and diversification
  • Evaluating and managing concentrations of risk
  • Real estate collateral appraisal and evaluation program
  • Portfolio-level stress testing
  • Credit risk management information systems
  • Collections and workout
  • Credit administration

Insights and

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Acceleration & Growth

HORNE’s acceleration and growth services help you stay ahead of the change with our technology, people, process and experience solutions.


Talk to an expert today.