HORNE ranked in Top 100 by INSIDE Public Accounting
INSIDE Public Accounting has ranked HORNE number 29 on the Top 500 Firms list for 2024.
INSIDE Public Accounting has ranked HORNE number 29 on the Top 500 Firms list for 2024.
HORNE has been named one of the top 30 accounting firms in the U.S. by industry publication Accounting Today.
New SEC rules create substantial 2025 reporting hurdles for registered private fund advisors. On August 23, 2023, the SEC enacted a sweeping new set of rules applicable to private fund advisers designed to provide greater transparency and oversight.
There are many factors to consider before choosing an auditor; these 6 should be at the top of your list. The selection of a third-party auditor for your private equity, hedge or venture capital fund is a crucial step in ensuring compliance and transparency.
For any private fund manager, there are certain milestones — among them, crossing the 9-figure mark as their assets grow to over $100 million. But, with this growth comes a new level of SEC regulation and oversight that they must adopt.
Matt Walker is an assurance director for HORNE’s public and middle market group where he leads the assurance and private funds team. Additionally, Matt provides tax and business advisory services, risk management, internal control and managed accounting services to a variety of small business clients.
Zak Kinchen is a financial institutions directpr at HORNE. He primarily serves financial institutions in both external and internal audit capacities. He also performs Sarbanes-Oxley compliance testing, financial statement preparation and various other consultative services for SEC, privately-held and member-owned institutions.
Tim Morgan is a financial institutions partner at HORNE where he helps banks, credit unions and other financial services companies with external audit, internal audit and risk management solutions. He specializes in identifying process improvements that are practical and solutions-oriented to help position clients for success.