Historic Preservation
Perspective and experience
At HORNE, our historic preservation team is a vital part of the disaster recovery process. When catastrophe strikes a community, city, county or state, it is important to preserve, if possible, the buildings, sites, structures, etc., that make an area unique and are part of its identity.
Our team includes former staff reviewers for the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). Their perspectives and experiences allow us to anticipate concerns while keeping the historic integrity of the community. We also ensure compliance with local, state and federal regulations.
Our HORNE team members meet and exceed the Secretary of Interior Standards for Architectural History and Archaeology.
Architectural History
Our team’s professional experience also includes FEMA Environmental Historic Preservation specialists, private-sector project managers and staff architectural historians. Our architectural historians review above-ground resources to ensure compliance with federal programs. The team prepares required documentation for SHPO consultation, ensures compliance, and coordinates additional consultation for historic properties when necessary.
The team features staff who specialize in historic and prehistoric archaeology. Our archaeologists complete Section 106 reviews for below-ground resources, prepare required mapping and documentation, and coordinate archaeological monitoring services when recommended or required.
Specialized Disaster Recovery Expertise
HORNE’s team of architectural historians and archaeologists ensures compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act across multiple Community Development Block Grants Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) programs. The team collaborates with SHPO, community groups, homeowners, contractors and other stakeholders to ensure the proper assessment and treatment of every case in the disaster relief programs. Historic Preservation team members specialize in the identification, survey, research and evaluation of above- and below-ground resources.