
How communities and trust are built.

Financial integrity and transparency are the cornerstones of trust and credibility in the government sector. To generate the greatest result for the community and individuals within it, you must maximize the reach and impact of funding. Our approach balances government-industry knowledge with stringent accounting standards so you can have peace of mind about using government funding efficiently and adequately.

Close up of two people's arms as they lean over a desk to sign paperwork

Meet your goals with collaboration, transparency and accountability.

Grants Management

To ensure compliance and reduce the risk of deobligation, grant recipients must administer recovery programs, applicant spending and recovery funding in accordance with federal grant regulations. This requires numerous steps that include determining the eligible scope of work, estimates and accounting for eligible costs within the project.

Our team of CPAs, PMPs®, CFEs, CIAs and CGFMs apply financial acumen, government experience and subject-matter knowledge to take a long-view approach to disaster recovery.

The HORNE team works with you to implement standardized processes and procedures that simplify program implementation and audit compliance. We use best practices to ensure you are ready for the next disaster. 

Program and Review Monitoring

HORNE Government performs grant compliance monitoring by combining proven innovation and the reliability of an accounting firm.

Only through continual grant compliance monitoring can you satisfy requirements, protect your agency from deobligation and maximize the impact of the funding. HORNE combines national best practices and the highest accounting standards to produce customized grant management processes.

We work collaboratively with state and local leaders tasked with disaster and nondisaster allocations, recovery and grant compliance. We clarify what must be monitored and put in place reliable processes to ensure you can meet or exceed requirements.

“Compliance cannot be compromised for progress, and progress will not be sacrificed for compliance. We work with you to marry these competing priorities based on best practices from the largest federal programs in the country.”

-Cathy Denman, Partner

Financial Integrity Assurance

Maximizing the reach and impact of funding means generating the greatest result for the community and individuals within it. HORNE works with agencies as a partner and guide, sharing the goal to do the most good and putting in place every process necessary to secure ongoing success.

Audit and Oversight Assurance

Government agencies face many challenges that require audit solutions to ensure transparency and integrity as they strive to fulfill their mission.

Our comprehensive approach to financial integrity offers best practice audit methods for reviewing the accuracy of state fund reporting, executing performance or single audits for federal grants and monitoring outsourced projects to ensure stewardship or performing financial/compliance audits of entities under your oversight and guidance.

We act as an unbiased independent third party to produce objective opinions on the financial integrity of information submitted under state law and government regulations.

  • Single Audits – For agencies using federal grant programs, HORNE performs single audits to ensure compliance with regulations and the financial integrity of individual grants.
  • Fund Audits – HORNE is enlisted by state auditors to assist with signing an independent audit opinion for agencies as part of an annual state audit or special-task audit.
  • Oversight Assurance – HORNE helps state agencies fulfill oversight responsibilities of regulated companies. We provide the financial acumen and audit resources to ensure required reports and filings are accurate and in compliance with state law.

P3 Compliance & Monitoring

Public-private partnerships (P3) need a trusted independent third party to produce objective opinions on risk assessments and the financial integrity of projects to foster transparency and maintain public trust. HORNE is a market leader in combining a deep understanding of government with rigorous accounting standards to confirm that funding is being used efficiently and effectively, with no surprises. 

Insights and

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HORNE ranked in Top 100 by INSIDE Public Accounting in 2024

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Accounting Today ranked HORNE in top 30 accounting firms in the U.S. in 2024

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