Reimbursement & Advisory

We help optimize reimbursements, protect margins and identify solutions to capitalize on opportunities to increase efficiency and profitability.

Optimize, protect and grow.

The long-term care industry faces many challenges. Reimbursements, changing regulations and market demands can present numerous obstacles to success. What opportunities exist to ensure your organization can serve your community for years to come?

HORNE’s healthcare team provides clinical and financial insights to help optimize reimbursements, protect margins and identify solutions to capitalize on opportunities to increase efficiency and profitability.

Medicare & Medicaid Cost Reports

When preparing your report, we focus on optimizing reimbursements to protect your revenue streams from exposure to regulatory sanctions and denials. We review and analyze the clinical and financial trends within the reports for opportunities to enhance revenue and position your organization for success in payment models today and in the future. In cases where appeals are warranted, we can expedite and assist in filing.

Certificate of Need Consulting

Numerous states require a Certificate of Need (CON) before approving the construction of any new medical facility. While this helps avoid redundancies within markets, it can also present an obstacle to growth. HORNE Healthcare can assist you in preparing a CON application with all required documentation and work with your internal team to ensure that all state requirements are met.

Market Demand Analysis

What is the true demand for your services in your existing or planned markets? When will a market reach saturation? What areas are being underserved? We can offer a detailed analysis —whether being performed to meet state requirements or to guide your plans for growth — of the opportunities presented by any given market area.

PDPM Analysis

The move toward a Patient Driven Payment Model presents a radical shift in the way skilled nursing facilities address staffing, finances and the delivery of care. HORNE Healthcare can help you examine the impact that PDPM will have on your operations and help you prepare for a successful transition by exploring new revenue sources and optimizing your reimbursements under the new guidelines.

Medicaid Rate Optimization

Unlike Medicare, Medicaid fee schedules and reimbursements vary significantly from state to state. We examine the cost incurred for care and help you find compliant ways to distribute costs to ensure your reimbursement is optimized. By classifying expenses, adapting new cost-accounting techniques and making sure your processes are aligned with your state’s reimbursement parameters, we help make a measurable impact on your bottom line.

Telehealth Consultation

According to some estimates, 70% of all ER and PCP visits could be adequately handled via a telehealth consultation. Driven by cost, convenience and regulations, telehealth is destined to grow dramatically in the coming years. Through our partnerships with technology providers, HORNE Healthcare can help you reduce costs and improve care by developing a telehealth strategy for your facilities.

Insights and

SCOTUS, Chevron Deference, and the Future of Healthcare Fraud and Abuse Law

On Friday, in a striking blow to 40 years of administrative law doctrine, the Supreme Court overturned the “Chevron deference”. Previously, this...


Market Dislocations: Bid-Ask Spread and Risk Premium in Healthcare

We have been hearing about a “bid-ask spread” issue in the lower middle market healthcare space for a significant time, and I wanted to discuss...


The Good, the Bad, and the Uncertain News of the 2024 Medicare Trustees Report

Each year around April or May, the Trustees of the Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds release their accounting of the current, short-term...


Navigating the Healthcare Investment Market

With the first quarter behind us, we want to share some insights after talking with several healthcare investors since the beginning of the year....


Designated Health Services Profits: Rules and Regulations

Effective January 1, 2022, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) implemented major changes to the Stark Law regulations. The Stark Law...


Comparison of Private Equity-Type Transactions versus Hospital-Type Transactions

Private Equity, an exclusive asset class, attracts accredited investors due to its impressive returns and illiquid nature. It plays a significant...




Acceleration & Growth

HORNE’s acceleration and growth services help you stay ahead of the change with our technology, people, process and experience solutions.


Talk to an expert today.