Don’t armchair quarterback your exit

Don’t armchair quarterback your exit

“How hard can planning my exit really be? I already made it valuable, so all I need to do is find someone to buy it for what I want, right?” If you’ve ever watched a professional football game, you might be familiar with the armchair quarterback—someone who says, “How did he miss that throw? I could do that!”

Taking care of your business family

Taking care of your business family

Many business owners eventually reach a crossroads where their families want them to slow down and take it easy, even if they aren’t ready to. This can be even more challenging if, as one business owner put it, you “feel more appreciated at the office than at the dinner table.”  

Saying goodbye without leaving

Saying goodbye without leaving

For many business owners, the business is more than a means to make money—it’s a part of their identity and a link to the past. This can make the idea of leaving it, and committing to the planning required to leave it successfully, very challenging.

Reducing taxes via exit planning

Reducing taxes via exit planning

Selling your business comes with major tax implications. You likely don’t want to pay any more than the minimum in taxes when you sell. With planning, it’s possible to reduce your tax burden and reap the most out of a business sale.