Five Ways Your Due Diligence Provider Can Deliver Value

Five Ways Your Due Diligence Provider Can Deliver Value

In the course of an acquisition, “due diligence” is often regarded as a built-in part of the process – a formality to be checked off once it’s completed. However, acquisitions that conduct thorough and competent due diligence have a greater chance of success because decision-makers have the quality of information they need to make a decision.

Strategic vs Financial Buyers

Strategic vs Financial Buyers

In Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), the landscape changes, sometimes rapidly. The reasons can be that the market is “hot” or “cold,” depending upon the level of interest, or valuation multiples demonstrated by buyers.

Key to the Sale: Confidential Information Memorandum

Key to the Sale: Confidential Information Memorandum

Entrepreneurs and business owners spend years building their business — and often years before that dreaming of and planning for it. Every owner knows the journey it took, from the highs of launching the business or securing the first customer to the lows of meeting an early payroll liability or facing the uncertainties of the recent pandemic.

What’s the Fate of Your Estate?

What’s the Fate of Your Estate?

Most construction business owners will spend a lifetime making sure their businesses succeed. After all of your hard work, do you really want to leave the fate of your business in someone else’s hands? As it is likely your largest asset, you’ll want to ensure your business is protected through a detailed estate plan. This plan should focus on minimizing estate and gift taxes as well as protecting your wealth for your family.

Succession Planning = Peace of Mind

Succession Planning = Peace of Mind

Statistics indicate baby boomers account for more than 50% of the construction industry. That means half of owners, along with their skills and knowledge, are headed towards retirement. Even more alarming is only half of those owners have a succession plan. If your company faces a disruption or change in ownership it reduces its chance of survival to only a small percentage. Even owners who don’t have an immediate retirement on the horizon need to have a plan.

Will Your Business Survive Without You?

Will Your Business Survive Without You?

Less than a year. That’s how long it took a successful construction company to permanently close after the owner unexpectedly passed away. Before his death, the company was thriving. But without a business continuity plan in place, the business didn’t survive a year.

Neal Stephens

Neal Stephens

Neal Stephens is a transaction advisory director for HORNE Capital Strategies at HORNE LLP. He works with business owners, strategic corporate buyers, and private equity investors to advise and manage the sale and purchase process for transacting parties.

Jarrod Barraza

Jarrod Barraza

Jarrod Barraza serves as a senior manager in the healthcare valuation service line at HORNE where his practice focuses on business valuation and transaction consulting services in the healthcare industry. Jarrod joined the firm in 2019. Prior to joining HORNE, Jarrod served as a manager in a national healthcare valuation and consulting firm and as an intern at a boutique business valuation and litigation support firm.

Josh Edwards

Josh Edwards

Josh Edwards is a public and middle market managing partner for HORNE and a member of HORNE’s Board of Directors.

Want to Sell in 2021? Start Now.

Want to Sell in 2021? Start Now.

Over the past year, business owners have been confronted with key decision points related to uncertainty about the COVID-19 pandemic and how to be competitive in the new economic environment. Prices are increasing, consumer spending is up, and customer behaviors have shifted more dramatically in the past year than in recent history.