New Employee Evaluations: A Blueprint for Success

Does your business currently have a new employee evaluation process?

Navigating the intricacies of new hire evaluations can be daunting, especially in the construction industry. In this comprehensive session, Joe Beall, an HR professional with more than 40 years of experience, will guide you through the process of assessing new employees. From understanding the training, the forms needed and how to successfully execute, Joe will cover everything you need to know to navigate this critical aspect of employee management.

This session is perfect for business owners, HR professionals, office administrators or anyone responsible for assessing new employees.

Here are some key takeaways. Watch the full webinar below for deeper insights.

  • Importance of Employee Development:

    • Effective performance management is crucial for employee development.
    • Companies successful in this area are highly committed to employee growth.
  • Continuous Process:

    • Performance management should not be a one-time event but an ongoing process.
    • It includes setting employee goals, communicating their importance, and regular assessments.
  • Evaluating New Employees:

    • Critical to assess new employees within the first 30 to 120 days.
    • This period is essential to determine if they meet job requirements and fit the company culture.
    • Companies often struggle with evaluating new hires, especially small employers.
  • Training and Tools:

    • Training supervisors and managers to conduct evaluations is crucial but can be challenging and time-consuming.
    • Tools and processes, such as job descriptions and evaluation forms, are essential for effective assessments.
  • Employee Interaction:

    • Employee evaluations should involve interaction and feedback beyond immediate supervisors.
    • Constructive feedback helps employees understand how to improve.
  • Commitment from Leadership:

    • Leadership commitment is vital for the success of performance evaluation processes.
    • Training and development for leadership and line management are necessary to ensure buy-in and execution.
  • Practical Steps:

    • Start evaluating new employees from day one.
    • Use specific time frames (e.g., 30, 60, 90 days) to conduct assessments.
    • Address behavior issues early to prevent future problems.
  • Employee Feedback:

    • Include employees’ opinions on their performance and needs in the evaluation process.
    • A two-way evaluation that includes constructive feedback is more effective.
  • Resources:

    • HR tools and templates (e.g., performance improvement plans, evaluation forms) can aid in the evaluation process.
    • Companies like Horn can provide assistance and training for implementing effective performance management systems.


If you’d like more information on this topic, please contact us.



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