Blueprints for Success: Insights for Construction Leaders

Lay the foundation for long-term growth. 

Build a stronger, more sustainable business with our exclusive Blueprints for Success webinar series. Designed for construction leaders, each session delivers actionable insights from industry experts on essential topics like tax strategy, succession planning, leadership development, and more.

This isn’t just about solving immediate challenges—it’s about creating a comprehensive strategy that strengthens every part of your organization. Learn from experts who truly understand the construction industry’s unique hurdles and walk away with practical steps you can apply immediately.

  • Industry-Specific Expertise: Learn from top professionals who understand the unique challenges of the construction industry and deliver solutions tailored to your needs.
  • Comprehensive Strategies: Discover holistic approaches that not only improve your bottom line but also build a resilient, people-centered organization.
  • Actionable Solutions: Walk away with practical steps you can implement immediately to strengthen your business and lead with confidence.

Explore the series: 


Navigate Buy-Sell Strategies Post-Supreme Court Ruling on Life Insurance

Sept 26 at 11am

Does life insurance fund your company’s buy-sell agreement? If so, a recent June 2024, 9-0 United States Supreme Court decision may impact your succession, estate planning, and tax strategies.

The Court ruled life insurance proceeds funding a company’s obligation to purchase a deceased shareholder’s shares must be included in the company’s fair market value when calculating the estate tax. The ruling increases the company’s value by the amount of the life insurance payout, and potentially raises the decedent’s estate tax liability.

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Join HORNE and Tyler Horning, Principal at TDC Life, on Thursday, September 26th, as we break down the Supreme Court’s ruling and share best practices to:

  • Review and update buy-sell agreements
  • Explore tax-efficient structures for buy-sell agreements
  • Conduct regular insurance reviews based on health, new products, and tax changes

Can’t make it live? Register now and receive the webinar recording to watch at your convenience!


Coaching for Success: Elevating Leadership in Construction

Oct 10 at 11am

Why don’t more of us have coaches helping us work on our businesses? We don’t hesitate to hire them to fix our golf swings, teach our kids to excel in sports, or help us take off that 15 pounds we need to lose.

In an industry where safety, precision, and teamwork are paramount, coaching can grow leaders faster, elevating both individual and team performance. If the highest-performing athletes and teams rely on coaches to get better, your business could likely benefit.

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Join HORNE on Thursday, October 10th with HORNE’s very own Coach, Tara Chrisco, as we dive into:

  • How coaching can foster leadership development and enhance a team.
  • What it takes to create a company culture that focuses on coaching.
  • How to measure the impact coaching has on your business and leadership team.

Can’t make it live? Register now and receive the webinar recording to watch at your convenience!


What Are the Odds??? Year-end Tax Planning for Construction Companies

Oct 24 at 11am

The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act brought a major overhaul to U.S. tax code for business owners such as lower corporate tax rates, qualified business income deductions, and increased expensing and bonus depreciation. Many of the bill’s reforms expire in 2025, meaning that Democrats and Republicans will soon have the opportunity to either extend the legislation or let it lapse.

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On Thursday, October 24th, Join HORNE Tax experts as they share tax planning and strategy for 2024 while looking ahead to 2025 and beyond. In this webinar, you will:

  • Understand the impending reduction of exclusion rates for Estate and Gift Tax planning and how that impacts your personal finances.
  • Prepare for the sunsetting of some of TCJA policies and how it could impact you and your business.
  • Learn about various long-term tax strategies that may help defray your personal and business tax liability for 2024 and into 2025.

Can’t make it live? Register now and receive the webinar recording to watch at your convenience.


Navigating Change: Pre-Election Insights for Construction Leaders

Oct 31 at 11am

With the November election fast approaching, the construction industry is at a crossroads, where the results could significantly reshape the future of infrastructure spending, taxes, and regulations.

On October 31st, HORNE partner Scott Keller will share his insights on the November 5th election and what a win by either Democrats or Republicans means for the construction industry.

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Scott is a partner in our Federal Government focus area and leads our Washington, D.C. office. Before joining HORNE, Scott served as a chief of staff and the senior political and policy advisor to the Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.

During our discussion, Scott will:

  • Outline the pathways to victory for both candidates in the presidential race
  • Project the makeup of Congress
  • Discuss what the next four years could look like for:
    • Infrastructure spending
    • Business and personal taxes
    • Construction industry regulations

Can’t make it live? Register now and receive the webinar recording to watch at your convenience!


Paying It Forward: Addressing Salary Compression in a Competitive Market

November 14 at 11am

Labor shortages are forcing construction companies to offer higher salaries to attract and retain talent. But have you considered that higher salaries could be causing low morale, higher turnover rates, and productivity disruptions in your workforce?

When new hires join at similar compensation than more tenured peers, or raises bring worker salaries closer to their managers’, employees begin to question their worth and their price tags. This can lead to feelings of missing out, a drop in motivation and productivity, and resignations.

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Join HORNE on Thursday, November 14th, as we share insights on salary compression, its costly implications, and proven strategies to retain employees as compensation costs rise.

Can’t make it live? Register now and receive the webinar recording to watch at your convenience!


Leading with Significance: How to Create a Magnetic, People-First Culture

December 5 at 11am

Can culture elevate your company to outstanding? Absolutely! The journey starts by recognizing that “good enough” culture isn’t enough to drive top performance. It’s magnetic culture – a workplace where people feel loved, appreciated, and a strong sense of belonging – that transforms culture and companies from “good enough” to great.

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Join us on Thursday, December 5th, to learn the key elements of magnetic culture and how to use it to attract, retain, and inspire top talent. Joey Havens, former HORNE executive partner and author of the book Leading with Significance: How to Create a Magnetic, People-First Culture, will guide us through a discussion on:

  • Why “good enough” culture isn’t good enough
  • How magnetic cultures start with a compelling vision
  • How to create employee engagement that’s critical to a magnetic culture
  • The force multiplier of sense of belonging
  • Why magnetic culture is a journey and not a destination

Attendees will be entered to win a signed copy of Leading Significance: How to Create a Magnetic, People-First Culture.

Can’t make it live? Register now and receive the webinar recording to watch at your convenience!

Past webinars:


Construct Your Future: Strategic Planning for Businesses

Sept 12 at 11am

Research shows that 48% of business leaders spend less than one day per month discussing strategy.* Given this fact, it’s no wonder most organizations fail to meet at least half of their strategic objectives.

And while strategy is important to business success, so is execution. No strategy delivers results unless it is converted into specific actions, and the ability to execute effectively is a competitive advantage.

Our approach to strategic planning couples the vision and strategy that will drive your business forward; while our follow up accountability coaching ensures the success of the plan.

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Join us on Thursday, September 12th to hear from Rory Tyer, executive coach and small business owner, to learn practical ways to:

  • Create mission, vision, and values statements to guide strategy, culture, and decision-making
  • Develop and prioritize strategies to provide a clear roadmap for achieving long-term goals
  • Execute your strategic plan in ways that create discipline, accountability, and results

*20-Year Results From Surveying Strategy Implementation, Bridges Business Consultancy, 2020