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padding-top:0px; font-size:20px; position:absolute; } .insightroll article .slide-copy .readmore:hover, .insightroll article .slide-copy .readmore:focus { font-weight:800;} .swiper-slide.caps-slide { border-right: 3px solid #0857c3; padding-right: 10px; } .swiper-slide.caps-slide.hidden { display: none;} .swiper-slide.caps-slide.showthis { display: block; } .swiper-slide.caps-slide h4 { font-size: 16px !important; font-weight:600; margin-top:15px;} .swiper-slide.caps-slide .slide-copy { padding-left:0px; } .swiper-slide.caps-slide .slide-copy a.readmore {font-size: 16px; font-weight: 700; margin-top: 0px; position: initial; padding:0px !important; } .capsswiper .swiper-wrapper.shorten { width: 1600px; } .capsswiper .swiper-slide .capability-terms a:not(:last-child){ border-right: 1px solid #0857c3; } .capsswiper .swiper-slide .capability-terms a { padding-right:6px; } .capsswiper .swiper-slide .capability-terms a:not(:first-child){ padding-left: 6px; } /* Slick Slider Styling - Insights */ .slick-initialized .slick-slide /* .swiper-initialized .swiper-slide */ { margin: 0px 5px; } .slick-track /* .swiper-wrapper */ { display: flex !important; } .slick-slide /* .swiper-slide */ { height: inherit !important; } .slick-prev:before, .slick-next:before { font-size: 28px; color: #0857c3; } .slick-slide .slide-copy h4, .slick-slide .slide-copy p, .swiper-slide .slide-copy h4, .swiper-slide .slide-copy p { color: #ffffff; } .slick-slide .slide-copy, .swiper-slide .slide-copy { padding: 1.5em; } .slick-slide.first, .swiper-slide.first { background-color: #292e42; } .slick-slide.second, .swiper-slide.second { background-color: #f9a270; } .slick-slide.third, .swiper-slide.third { background-color: #838f9b; } /*slick opacity and blur*/ .slick-slide /* .swiper-slide */ { opacity: 0.3; -webkit-filter: blur(5px); filter: blur(5px); -webkit-transform: scale(.9); -moz-transform: scale(.9); -ms-transform: scale(.9); -o-transform: scale(.9); transform: scale(.9); transition: 0.3s ease-in-out; } .slick-list /* .swiper-wrapper */ { position: relative; display: block; overflow: visible; } .slick-active /* .swiper-slide-active */ { -webkit-filter: blur(0); filter: blur(0); opacity: 1; transition: 0.3s ease-in-out; } .slick-current, .swiper-slide-prev /* .swiper-slide-next */ { -webkit-transform: scale(1); -moz-transform: scale(1); -ms-transform: scale(1); -o-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); transition: 0.3s ease-in-out; box-shadow: 0px 2px 18px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 30%); } .slick-slide.slick-active:hover { transform: scale(.93); transition: 0.3s ease-in-out; box-shadow: 0px 2px 10px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%); } .slick-slide.slick-active.slick-current:hover { transform: scale(1.01); transition: 0.3s ease-in-out; } /*HOME PAGE SECTIONS*/ /* Industry Cards */ #industry-button-container { } .et_pb_image_0 { overflow: hidden; } .industry-button { background-color: #ffffff; color: #0857c3; border-radius: 20px; width: auto; padding: 10px 12px; filter: drop-shadow(0 0 0.15rem #707070); margin-top: 14px; margin-left: 10px; font-weight: 600; font-size: 14px; text-transform: uppercase; } @media (max-width: 450px){ .industry-button { padding: 6px 10px; font-size: 12px; } } .industry-button:hover { cursor: pointer; background-color:#0857c3; color:#ffffff; border: 1px solid #0857c3; } /* Hide each hidden industry section*/ body:not(.et-fb) .rv_element { display: none; } /* .et_pb_column_14 { width: 48% !important; } */ #industry-button-container button:focus { font-weight: 800; border: 1px solid #0857c3; } /* Industry Page Sections */ /* Sub-Menu Styling*/ .et_pb_menu--without-logo .et_pb_menu__menu > nav > ul > li > a { padding-bottom: 8px; padding-right: 25px; } .et_pb_menu--without-logo .et_pb_menu__menu > nav > ul > li > a:hover { text-decoration:underline; color: #ffffff; } /*sticky submenu */ /* make smaller on sticky */ .et-db #et-boc .et-l div.et_pb_section.hrn-floating-menu.et_pb_sticky--top{ background-image: linear-gradient( 90deg,rgba(8,87,195,0) 0%,#0857c3 0%)!important; padding: 0px 0px !important; top: 70px !important; } .hrn-sub-menu{ display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -ms-flex-align: stretch; align-items: stretch; } .hrn-sub-menu ul{ -ms-flex-wrap: wrap; flex-wrap: wrap; -ms-flex-pack: start; justify-content: flex-start; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -ms-flex-align: stretch; align-items: stretch; padding: 0!important; line-height: 1.7em; } .hrn-sub-menu ul li{ position: relative; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -ms-flex-align: stretch; align-items: stretch; margin: 0; padding: 8px 11px 8px 0px; } .hrn-sub-menu a{ color: white !important; text-decoration: none; display: block; position: relative; transition: all .4s ease-in-out; font-size: 16px; padding-right: 25px; padding-bottom: 8px; } .et-db #et-boc .et-l .et_pb_sticky--top .hrn-sub-menu{ -ms-flex-pack: end !important; justify-content: flex-end !important; } /*white bg version */ .et-db #et-boc .et-l div.et_pb_section.hrn-floating-menu.whitemenu.et_pb_sticky--top { background-image: linear-gradient( 90deg,rgba(8,87,195,0) 0%,#ffffff 0%)!important; padding: 0px 0px!important; border-top: 2px solid #f1f1f1; box-shadow: 0px 0px 18px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.15); } /*end sticky submenu */ .services-hovers { cursor: pointer; } .services-hovers:hover { color: #2a5caa; } p.arrow-after { padding-top: 20px; } .no-scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar { display: none; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */ } .no-scrollbar { -ms-overflow-style: none; /* IE and Edge */ scrollbar-width: none; /*Firefox*/} .scrolling-code-div { width: 1100px; } .scrolling-code-div .et_pb_code_inner { width: 1100px !important; } /* Industry Tailored Solutions Section & Deeper Capabilities Section */ .et-db #et-boc .et-l .tailored-solutions h5.entry-title { text-size: 16px !important; line-height: 1.2em !important; } .tailored-solutions h5.entry-title::after { content: "\\203A"; padding-left: 10px; opacity: .8; } .tailored-solutions h5.entry-title:hover::after { margin-left: 3px; transition: 200ms all ease-in; opacity: 1; } .et-db #et-boc .et-l .cap-hovers .et_pb_post { margin-bottom: 20px; } .et-db #et-boc .et-l .tailored-solutions .et_pb_post { margin-bottom: 10px; } h4 a.capabilities::after { content: "\\203A"; padding-left: 10px; opacity: .8; } h4 a.capabilities, #page-container .et_pb_section h4 a.capabilities, #page-container #et-boc h4 a.capabilities{ font-weight: 700; font-size: 20px; line-height: 1.2; color: #ffffff; font-weight: bold; padding-bottom: 1.2em; } .service-zone { display: block; height: 100%; padding: 10% 10%; width: auto ; align-content: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; background: linear-gradient(0deg,rgba(255,255,255,.9) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0.7) 100%); } .service-pics img{ position: absolute; } @media (max-width: 1400px){ h4 a.capabilities, #page-container .et_pb_section h4 a.capabilities, #page-container #et-boc h4 a.capabilities { font-size: 20px; } } @media (max-width: 980px){ .service-pics{ position: absolute!important; width: 150%; } h4 a.capabilities, #page-container .et_pb_section h4 a.capabilities, #page-container #et-boc h4 a.capabilities { font-size: 18px; padding-bottom: .75em; } .blogroll-container .insight-column { padding: 0px 30px 30px 30px; margin: 0px auto; } } .service-zone p { font-size: 18px; } /* Service Pages Special Styles*/ .et-db #et-boc .et-l .service-parent a { color: #ffffff; } /* Service Page Content */ body.single-services .et_pb_text_inner ul, body.single-post .et_pb_text_inner ul { margin-top:-10px; padding-left: 25px; padding-bottom: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; } sup { font-size:10px;} .service-parent p{ display: inline-block; padding-bottom: 2px!important; border-bottom: 2px solid; } /* People Pages */ p.affiliation-title { margin-top: 40px; margin-bottom: -5px; color: #3B434C!important;} /*People Flex*/ .et-db #et-boc .et-l .people-blog .et_pb_code_inner, .et-db #et-boc .et-l .industry-experts .et_pb_code_inner { position: relative; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } /*.et_pb_column_1_3.person-column { display: flex; }*/ .et_pb_column_1_3.person-column { display:flex; margin-bottom: 20px; } #page-container .et_pb_section .people-blog .people-card-outer, .person-column .people-card-outer { background-image: url("/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/pluslink.png"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position:95% 99%; } #page-container .et_pb_section .people-blog .people-card-outer a, #page-container #et-boc .people-blog .people-card-outer a { color: #32373c; } .person-links.mgpartner img { filter: brightness(0) invert(1); } .person-links.mgpartner, .person-links.mgpartner a { color: #ffffff !important;} .person-links.mgpartner li { padding-right:50px;} #page-container .et_pb_section .people-card-outer h3.entry-title, #page-container #et-boc .people-card-outer h3.entry-title, #page-container .et_pb_section .people-card-outer h3.entry-title a, #page-container #et-boc .people-card-outer h3.entry-title a{ font-weight: 700; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.2em; padding-bottom: 5px; color:#0857c3; } /*.et-db #et-boc .et-l .people-blog article.people-card-outer { background-color: #ffffff; width: auto; box-shadow: 0px 2px 30px 0px rgb(27 60 103 / 25%); padding: 2em; margin-right: 2.5em; border-radius: 8px; margin-bottom: 2.5em; }*/ .et-db #et-boc .et-l .people-blog article.people-card-outer { background-color: #ffffff; width: auto; box-shadow: 0px 2px 30px 0px rgb(27 60 103 / 25%); padding: 2em; border-radius: 8px; margin-bottom: 0; height: 100%; } article.people-card-outer { background-color: #ffffff; width: auto; box-shadow: 0px 2px 30px 0px rgb(27 60 103 / 20%); padding: 2em; margin-right: 2.5em; border-radius: 8px; height: 100%; } article.people-card-outer img.people-card { border-radius: 50vw; box-shadow: 0px 2px 12px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%); margin-bottom: 30px; } #page-container .et_pb_section .people-card-outer h4.entry-title, #page-container #et-boc .people-card-outer h4.entry-title { font-weight: 700; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.2em; padding-bottom: 5px; color:#0857c3; } ul.person-links { list-style: none; padding: 0px 0px 30px 0px !important; clear:both;} ul.person-links li { float: left; padding-right: 25px;} .person-column.hidden { display:none; } .person-column.showthis { display:block;} #et-boc .et-l .industry-experts .et_pb_column_1_3.person-column { width: 33%; } /* Single Person header, make title smaller */ .single-person-title h1 { min-height: 0vw; font-size: min(max(1.1rem,1rem + .8vw),1.6rem); line-height: 1.4; padding-bottom: .8rem; } .single-person-title h1 { font-weight: 700; font-size: 24px !important; color: #3B434C!important; line-height: 1.5em; } .et-db #et-boc .et-l .single-person-email .et_pb_toggle_title:before { content: "\\e010"; font-size:26px; } .et-db #et-boc .et-l .single-person-email.et_pb_toggle_open .et_pb_toggle_title:before { content: "\\51"; font-size:26px; } .single-person-email h5 { font-size: 18px !important;} /* Healthcare Sub-Industries */ #health-subs .et_pb_column:hover { background-color: #eee; } #health-subs .et_pb_column:hover h4 a { color: #0857c3; } /* Location Archive */ /* HORNE Select box*/ .hrn-select { display: block; font-size: 17px; font-family:\'Proxima Nova\' sans-serif; font-weight: 700; color: #444; line-height: 1.3; padding: .6em 1.4em .5em .8em; width: 100%; max-width: 100%; /* useful when width is set to anything other than 100% */ box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; border: 4px solid #aaa; border-top: 0px; border-left: 0px; border-right: 0px; box-shadow: none; border-radius: 0 !important; -moz-appearance: none; -webkit-appearance: none; appearance: none; background-color: #fff; /* note: bg image below uses 2 urls. The first is an svg data uri for the arrow icon, and the second is the gradient. for the icon, if you want to change the color, be sure to use `%23` instead of `#`, since it\'s a url. You can also swap in a different svg icon or an external image reference */ background-image: url(\'data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII,\'), linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%,#ffffff 100%); background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat; /* arrow icon position (1em from the right, 50% vertical) , then gradient position*/ background-position: right .7em top 50%, 0 0; /* icon size, then gradient */ background-size: .65em auto, 100%; } /* Hide arrow icon in IE browsers */ .hrn-select::-ms-expand { display: none; } /* Hover style */ .hrn-select:hover { border-color: #888; } /* Focus style */ .hrn-select:focus { border-color: #aaa; /* It\'d be nice to use -webkit-focus-ring-color here but it doesn\'t work on box-shadow */ box-shadow: 0 0 1px 3px rgba(59, 153, 252, .0); box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px -moz-mac-focusring; color: #222; outline: none; } /* Set options to normal weight */ .hrn-select option { font-weight:normal; } /* Support for rtl text, explicit support for Arabic and Hebrew */ *[dir="rtl"] .hrn-select, :root:lang(ar) .hrn-select, :root:lang(iw) .hrn-select { background-position: left .7em top 50%, 0 0; padding: .6em .8em .5em 1.4em; } /* Seasons of Service Page -- to move off site */ .service_hours_count span.percent-value { font-size: 48px;} /* Disabled styles */ .hrn-select:disabled, .hrn-select[aria-disabled=true] { color: graytext; background-image: url(\'data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII,\'), linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%,#e5e5e5 100%); } .hrn-select:disabled:hover, .hrn-select[aria-disabled=true] { border-color: #aaa; } article.location-card-outer { background-color: #ffffff; width: 100%; box-shadow: 0px 2px 30px 0px rgb(27 60 103 / 25%); padding: 1.5em; margin-right: 1.5em; border-radius: 8px; min-height: 270px } .et-db #et-boc .et-l .location-card-outer p { font-size: 16px; } #page-container .et_pb_section h4.location-title, #page-container #et-boc h4.location-title { font-size: 18px; text-transform: uppercase; } #page-container .et_pb_section .location-card-outer p, #page-container #et-boc .location-card-outer p, #page-container .et_pb_section .location-card-outer a, #page-container #et-boc .location-card-outer a { font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.4em; } article.location-card-outer .location_divider::after { content: ""; display: table; content: ""; display: block; margin: 0; width: 75px; padding-top: 10px; border-bottom: 4px solid #0857c3; } .swiper .slide-copy h4 { font-weight: 700; text-transform: none !important; font-size:18px !important; } .swiper .slide-copy p { padding-bottom:35px; } .swiper .slide-copy a.readmore { font-size: 18px; color:#ffffff !important; margin-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 20px; font-weight: 700;} .swiper .slide-copy a.readmore:hover, .swiper .slide-copy a.readmore:focus, .swiper .slide-copy a.readmore:active { color: #ffffff;} article.location-card-outer p, article.location-card-outer a { font-size:17px;} h4.location-title { color: #0857c3; font-weight:700; } .et_pb_divider_90_tb_body::before { border-top-color: #0857C3; border-top-width: 6px; } .et_pb_divider_90_tb_body::after { content: ""; display: table; } .et-db #et-boc .et-l .et_pb_post.location-card-outer { margin-bottom:1.5em; display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .et-db #et-boc .et-l .location-cards-wrap .et_pb_code_inner { position: relative; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } /* Pop-Up Map Closure */ .location-cards-wrap .et_pb_column_1_3 { display: flex; } .location-card-outer .phone img { margin-right: 10px;} .location-card-outer .maplink { margin-top: auto;} /* Quick Path */ .hrn-path .qp-slider { padding: 20px; border-radius: 10px; } /* make form min height so it doesn\'t lose cursor over it on a shorter one*/ #qp .wsf-form { min-height: 275px;} .hrn-path p { line-height: 1.2; /* font-size: 18px!important; */ } .hrn-path .qp-container { overflow: hidden; position: relative; top: 10px; z-index: -99; } .hrn-path .wsf-field-wrapper { margin-bottom: 10px; } .hrn-path .button.wsf-button { border-radius: 50vw !important; } #qp p { font-size: 16px; } #qptoggle { background-color: #20294585; border: none; color: #ffffff; border-radius: 100% 0% 60% 40% / 0% 100% 0% 100%; width: 100%; height: 65px; margin-top: -20px; cursor: pointer; padding-top: 30px; padding-left: 15px; } #heightadjust.big { height: auto; } #heightadjust.small { height: 0px; } /* New QP Code */ #wsf-1-field-131-repeat-1 { background: none!important; border: none; padding: 0!important; /*input has OS specific font-family*/ color: #fff; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer; width:auto; } #qp button.wsf-button-secondary { background-color: transparent; border: none; font-family: \'Proxima Nova\'; font-style: italic; padding: 0; font-size: 15px; color: #b7b7b7;} #qp button.wsf-button-secondary:before { font-style: normal; font-family: \'Font Awesome 5 Free\'; } /* Hide firm services from Industry */ #wsf-3-field-107-row-4 { display: none; } #qp legend { color: #ffffff;} #qp button.wsf-button-full { margin-top: 5px; padding: 6px 20px; width:100%; } #qp button.wsf-button{border-radius: 50vw;} #qp input[type=checkbox].wsf-field + label.wsf-label { color: #ffffff; } #qp .wsf-field-wrapper[data-type=checkbox] { max-height: 208px; overflow-y:scroll;} #qp input[type=search] { color: #1B3C67; } #qp label#wsf-3-label-107.wsf-label, #qp label#wsf-3-label-108.wsf-label{ font-size: 17px; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 10px; } #qp select.wsf-field:not([multiple]):not([size]) { -webkit-padding-start: 19px; padding-inline-start: 19px; border-radius: 30px; } #qp button#wsf-3-field-110.wsf-button-full{ padding: 10px 20px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 9px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 24%); } /* when qptoggle is open, it becomes navy to match slider drawer*/ #qptoggle.opened { background-color: #202945; } #qptoggle p span.bold { font-weight:bold; } #qp { margin-left: 20%; text-align: right; } #qptoggle p span.em { font-style:oblique; } #qptoggle .fas { float: right; position: relative; top: -20px; right: 12px; font-size: 1.5em; } #flip-arrow { -webkit-transition: transform .5s; -moz-transition: transform .5s; -ms-transition: transform .5s; transition: transform .5s; } #flip-arrow.closed { transform: rotate(360deg); } #flip-arrow.opened { transform: rotate(180deg); } #qp { position: absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px; height: 5px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; width: 312px; z-index: 999; } @media (max-width:980px) { #qp { top: -7px; z-index: 100000; } } .qp-container { overflow:hidden; position:relative; /* the container\'s height will determine the height of its slider */ height:auto; width:312px; top: -45px; z-index: -99; box-shadow: 0px 0px 18px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 45%); border-radius: 10px; } /* New Checkbox Styling*/ #qp #quick-path p { font-size: 16px; padding-left: 0; margin-bottom:12px; } #qp input[type="checkbox"] { display: none; } input[type="checkbox"] {display: none;} input[type="checkbox"] + label { display: block; position: relative; padding-left: 30px; margin-bottom: 12px; font: 14px/20px \'Open Sans\', Arial, sans-serif; color: #fff; cursor: pointer; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; } input[type="checkbox"] + label:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } input[type="checkbox"] + label:before { content: \'\'; display: block; width: 18px; height: 18px; border: 1px solid #ffffff; border-radius: 4px; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; opacity: .8; -webkit-transition: all .12s, border-color .08s; transition: all .12s, border-color .08s; } input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before { width: 10px; top: 0px; left: 5px; border-radius: 15px !important; opacity: 1; border-top-color: transparent; border-left-color: transparent; -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg); transform: rotate(45deg); } .qp-slider { padding: 52px 20px 20px 20px; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 40px; background-color: rgba(32, 41, 69, 0.90); overflow: hidden; /* complete liquid height based on the parent\'s height!! */ height:100%; /* only transition on transform properties which are hardware accelerated = way better performances */ -webkit-transition:-webkit-transform .7s ease; -moz-transition: -moz-transform .7s ease; -ms-transition: -ms-transform .7s ease; transition: transform .7s ease; transition-delay: 900ms } .qp-slider p { color: #ffffff; font-weight: 700; margin-bottom: 8px; } .qp-slider.opened { /* visible */ -webkit-transform: translate(0, 0%); -moz-transform: translate(0, 0%); -ms-transform: translate(0, 0%); transform: translate(0, 0%); } .qp-slider.closed { /* completely offscreen */ -webkit-transform: translate(0, -100%); -moz-transform: translate(0, -100%); -ms-transform: translate(0, -100%); transform: translate(0, -100%); } /* Style the form */ #regForm { background-color: #ffffff; margin: 100px auto; padding: 40px; width: 70%; min-width: 300px; } /* Style the input fields */ #qp input { padding: 10px; font-size: 17px; font-family: \'Proxima Nova\'; border: 1px solid #aaaaaa; color: #ffffff; } #qp input[type=submit]{ background-color: transparent; border-radius: 20px; margin: 20px auto 20px auto; border: 1px solid #fff; width: 51%; float:right; cursor: pointer; } button { background-color: #000; border: 1px solid #ffffff; color: #ffffff; } #qp button:focus-visible { background-color: #687b97; } { background-color: transparent; color: #fff; border: 1px solid #fff; padding: 10px 6px; border-radius: 20px; margin: 10px; width: 100%; display: block; cursor: pointer; },, { background-color: #ffffff; color: #202945; } input[type=checkbox] { -webkit-appearance: checkbox; float: left; display: inline; width: 15%; } label { color: #ffffff; } select[name="industry1"] { width: 100%; height: 42px; background-color: #ffffff; color: #202945; border: 1px solid #fff; border-radius: 20px; padding: 0 20px; } /* Mark input boxes that gets an error on validation: */ input.invalid { background-color: #ffdddd; } /* Hide all steps by default: */ .tab { display: none; } /* Make circles that indicate the steps of the form: */ .step { height: 15px; width: 15px; margin: 0 2px; background-color: #bbbbbb; border: none; border-radius: 50%; display: inline-block; opacity: 0.5; } /* Mark the active step: */ { opacity: 1; } /* Mark the steps that are finished and valid: */ .step.finish { background-color: #04AA6D; } /*Homepage*/ /*Masonry Grid Homepage - Making Dynamic */ #homepage-masonry-image { padding-right: 0vw; } #homepage-masonry-image > .et_pb_code, #homepage-masonry-image > .et_pb_code > .et_pb_code_inner { width: 100%; height: 100%; } a.masonry-dark::after { color: rgb(59, 67, 76) !important;} a.masonry-dark:hover, a.masonry-light:hover { transform: scaleX(1.04) scaleY(1.04)!important; } body #page-container .et_pb_section .et_pb_button_0.masonry-dark:after { color: rgb(59, 67, 76) !important; } .et_pb_button.masonry-dark:hover, .et_pb_button.masonry-light:hover { transform: scaleX(1.04) scaleY(1.04)!important; } /*Industry Pages */ div#n2-ss-4 .n2-ss-slider-3 { max-width: 100% !important; padding-bottom: 0px; } div#n2-ss-4 .n2-ss-slider-3 { padding: 0px; } /* padding before ULs */ .et-l--body ul { padding: 1em 0 23px 1em; } /* Custom Styling for HubSpot Forms*/ /*Homepage style form*/ form.hp-subscribe label.wsf-label { color: #3b434c; } form.hp-subscribe input[type=email], form.hp-subscribe select.wsf-field ~ .select2-container, form.hp-subscribe select.wsf-field ~ .select2-container .select2-selection--multiple, form.hp-subscribe select.wsf-field ~ .select2-container--default.select2-container--focus:not(.select2-container--disabled) .select2-selection--multiple, form.hp-subscribe select { background-color: #0857c3; color:#ffffff; border-radius:25px; height:50px; } form.hp-subscribe input::placeholder { /* Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari 10.1+ */ color: #ffffff !important; opacity: 1; /* Firefox */ } form.hp-subscribe option[value=firm-services], #ws-form-4 option[value=firm-services] { display:none;} form.hp-subscribe input::-ms-input-placeholder { /* Microsoft Edge */ color: #ffffff !important; } form.hp-subscribe button[type=submit] { color: #0857C3!important; border-width: 0px!important; border-radius: 0px; font-size: 20px; font-weight: 700!important; text-transform: uppercase!important; background-color: RGBA(0,0,0,0); } form.hp-subscribe button[type=submit]:hover { text-decoration:underline;} .select2-container--default .select2-selection--multiple .select2-selection__choice__remove, .select2-container--default .select2-selection--multiple .select2-selection__clear { background-color:transparent !important; color: #999; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; margin-right: 2px; } form.hp-subscribe button[type=submit]:after { content: attr(data-icon); font-family: eleganticons; color: #0857C3; line-height: inherit; font-size: inherit!important; opacity: 1; margin-left: .3em; left: auto;} form.hp-subscribe button.wsf-button.wsf-button-primary:focus, form.hp-subscribe button.wsf-button.wsf-button-primary:active { background-color: white; border-color: transparent; box-shadow: none; } /*WS Form for HubSpot */ #ws-form-1 .wsf-button { border-width: 0px!important; border-radius: 2em; transition: all 300ms ease 0ms; box-shadow: 0px 12px 18px -6px rgb(28 60 135 / 50%); margin-top: 27px; /* width: 100%; */ width: auto; text-align:center; padding: 14px 50px; } #ws-form-1 .wsf-button:hover { background-color: #202945; } .select2-container--default .select2-results__group { cursor: default; display: none !important; } select.wsf-field ~ .select2-container--default .select2-selection--multiple .select2-selection__choice { font-size: 14px !important; } .wsf-form .whitebg input[type=date].wsf-field, .wsf-form .whitebg input[type=datetime-local].wsf-field, .wsf-form .whitebg input[type=file].wsf-field, .wsf-form .whitebg input[type=month].wsf-field, .wsf-form .whitebg input[type=password].wsf-field, .wsf-form .whitebg input[type=search].wsf-field, .wsf-form .whitebg input[type=time].wsf-field, .wsf-form .whitebg input[type=week].wsf-field, .wsf-form .whitebg input[type=email].wsf-field, .wsf-form .whitebg input[type=number].wsf-field, .wsf-form .whitebg input[type=tel].wsf-field, .wsf-form .whitebg input[type=text].wsf-field, .wsf-form .whitebg input[type=url].wsf-field, .wsf-form .whitebg select.wsf-field, .wsf-form .whitebg textarea.wsf-field { border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px; overflow: hidden; /* border-color: #bec2d8; border-bottom-width: 3px; box-shadow: 0px 2px 21px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 23%); */ box-shadow: 0px 2px 21px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 8%)!important; border: 0; border-bottom: 3px solid #ceced2; border-radius: 0; } button.wsf-button.wsf-button-primary { background-color: #0857c3; border-color: #0857c3; color: #ffffff; } .wsf-form .whitebg button.wsf-button.wsf-button-primary { background-color: #0857c3; margin-top: 0px !important; float:right; } .wsf-field-wrapper[data-type=range] .wsf-help { color: #0857c3; margin-top:20px; font-size: 16px;} /* dark text for light background*/ .wsf-form .whitebg label { color: #1b3c67;} /* Sub Menu Forms/Filters */ form.submenu-form select { border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px; overflow: hidden; border-color: #bec2d8; border-bottom-width: 3px; font-size: 16px; } /*Footer*/ #main-footer .container { width: 85%; max-width: none; } #footer-bottom #footer-info { width:100%;} #footer-bottom #footer-info .floatRight { float: right; } .footer-widget #custom_html-2 { width: 100%; 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padding-left:5%; } #main-footer>div.container.footer-logo>div { width:100% !important; } #main-footer>div.container.footer-logo>div>#logo { max-width:100% !important; padding:0 15% !important; } .widget_search #searchform,.et_pb_widget .wp-block-search { width:100%; } #block-4 { padding:0 15%; } #custom_html-2 { padding-left:25%; } #footer-widgets .footer-widget,.et_pb_gutters1 #footer-widgets .footer-widget { display:flex; justify-content:center; } #main-footer>div.container.footer-contact>img { margin-top:0px !important; padding-bottom:20px !important; float:none !important; } #main-footer>div.container.footer-contact { text-align:center; } #main-footer>div.container.footer-contact>h5>img { margin:0px 10px -12px -5% !important; } #footer-widgets>div:nth-child(2) { margin-bottom:2%; } #footer-info { text-align:left; } #footer-widgets { padding:10% 0 4% !important; } #main-footer>div.container.footer-contact>img { height:55px !important; } } @media (max-width:450px) { #custom_html-2 { padding-left: 20%; } } */ /* People Cards Tablet*/ /*Featured Insights tablet & smaller */ @media (max-width:980px) { #et-boc .et-l .industry-experts .et_pb_column_1_3.person-column { width: 28%; } article.people-card-outer { margin-right:0 !important; } .people-card-outer { text-align:center; } /* .et_pb_column_1_3.person-column { display:flex; flex-grow:1; justify-content:center; width: 30%; margin-right: 20px; } */ .et_pb_column_1_3.person-column { display: flex; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center; width: 30%; margin-right: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; } .et_pb_column_1_3.person-column.hidden { display: none; } .et_pb_column_1_3.person-column.showthis {display: flex; } /* #featured-swiper img { display: none; }*/ #featured-swiper .swiper-slide img { width: 100%; height: auto; margin-top: -10%; } #featured-swiper .swiper-slide a.readmore:first-child { position: relative; display: block; height: 250px; overflow: hidden; } #featured-swiper .swiper-slide .slide-copy{ width: 100% !important; } } @media (max-width:770px) { #et-boc .et-l .industry-experts .et_pb_column_1_3.person-column { width: 100%; } } @media (max-width:475px) { .et_pb_column_1_3.person-column { width:100%; padding-right:0; margin-right: 0; } } /* Location Cards Tablet */ .et_pb_gutters2.et_pb_row .location-cards-wrap .et_pb_column_1_3 { width: 33%; } @media (max-width: 981px){ .et_pb_gutters2.et_pb_row .location-cards-wrap .et_pb_column_1_3 { width: 33%; } } @media (max-width:767px) { .et-db #et-boc .et-l .et_pb_post.location-card-outer { margin-right:0; } .et_pb_gutters2.et_pb_row .location-cards-wrap .et_pb_column_1_3 { width:48%; } .et-db #et-boc .et-l .location-cards-wrap .et_pb_code_inner { gap:4% !important; } } @media (max-width:500px) { .et_pb_gutters2.et_pb_row .location-cards-wrap .et_pb_column_1_3 { width:100%; padding-right: 0; } } /*Submenu Toggle dropdown icon changes*/ .et-db #et-boc .et-l .hrn-toggle .et_pb_toggle_title:before { content: "\\33"; } .et-db #et-boc .et-l .hrn-toggle.et_pb_toggle_open .et_pb_toggle_title:before { content: "\\32"; } .et-db #et-boc .et-l .hrn-toggle.et_pb_toggle.et_pb_toggle_open { transition: 500ms ease-in; 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